Filter: Cory Varden

A Needed Reminder - 2 Peter 3: 1-10
02/09/25 | 2nd Peter | by Cory Varden
The Pathology of False Teachers, Part 2 - 2 Peter 2:10b-22
01/05/25 | 2nd Peter | by Cory Varden
The Pathology of False Teachers - 2 Peter 2:1-10
11/03/24 | 2nd Peter | by Cory Varden
A Final Reminder - 2 Peter 1: 12-21
10/27/24 | 2nd Peter | by Cory Varden
Assuring Holiness - 2 Peter 1: 1-11
09/15/24 | 2nd Peter | by Cory Varden
Eschatological Ethic - Daniel 10-12
07/28/24 | Daniel | by Cory Varden
Pleading the Promises - Daniel 9
06/30/24 | Daniel | by Cory Varden
Ageless Dreams for Sobering Times - Daniel 7 & 8
06/23/24 | Daniel | by Cory Varden
God Breaks His Silence - Luke 1: 5-25
12/03/23 | Luke | by Cory Varden
Loyalty to the King - 1 Samuel 20
10/22/23 | 1st Samuel | by Cory Varden
Donkeys, Providence, & the King - 1 Samuel 9 & 10
09/10/23 | 1st Samuel | by Cory Varden
Doing Good in the World - Matthew 5: 13-16
07/30/23 | 2023 Stand Alone | by Cory Varden
A Gospel Church - Philippians 1: 1-11
03/05/23 | 2023 Stand Alone | by Cory Varden
Act 4: Redemptive Providence - Ruth 4
02/26/23 | Ruth | by Cory Varden
Act 2 - Merciful Providence, Ruth 2
02/12/23 | Ruth | by Cory Varden
Act 1: Bitter Providence - Ruth 1
02/05/23 | Ruth | by Cory Varden
Christmas: From Slavery to Sonship - Galatians 4: 1-7
12/25/22 | 2022 Advent | by Cory Varden
Christmas Eve 2022 Sermon
12/24/22 | 2022 Advent | by Cory Varden
The End of the Matter - Ecclesiastes 12: 9-14
11/27/22 | Ecclesiastes | by Cory Varden
Life Under the Sun - Ecclesiastes 11:1-12:8
11/20/22 | Ecclesiastes | by Cory Varden